And Why he Ourple??

Ten months, and yet we fell into each other

Like it was nothing.

Your red mixed with my blue

Into a deep, warm purple.


We mixed together, that’s certain,

Picking up that strange idiolect,

Not even rusty from disuse.

Those turns of phrase, that tone of voice,

That soft inflexion we only use with one another.

The vocabulary of our purple.


But that metaphor isn’t quite enough…

Red and blue are stunning in their own right–

Not that we aren’t– but with us

There’s something missing when we’re apart.

Sure, we get along just fine alone, but

Something just doesn’t click.

Maybe we’re a megazord, then.

I doubt you know what that is,

So if you’ll let me mansplain

(That’s short for man explain…)

A megazord is the combination of multiple zords,

Large, transformer-like robots used by the

Power rangers.

Without one zord, the megazord could not

Possibly defeat the gigantified monster.

Do you get it? We’re a two-person megazord,

My dear. Alone, we’re like a car with half its tyres

Missing, trundling along tragically.

We’re helplessly vulnerable

To the monstrous weight of existence.


You see, we’re adults now, the two us us.

We’re adrift at sea, going wherever we

Feel the urge to swim, wherever the currents

Take us.

We’re adrift at sea,

But I have you, and

You have me.


Checkmate Liberal


Sleeping Alone, Waiting for Something